Professional Overview

Dr. Shane Snipes’ Mission Statement: Empower learners and educators through transformative educational experiences, leveraging technology, mindfulness, and entrepreneurial spirit, all rooted in a community-first engagement approach.


  1. Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers Program (CEEP) Experiential Learning Framework [link]:
    • Engage students in hands-on, community-centered projects that promote entrepreneurial thinking.
    • Foster deep ties between academic learning and real-world applications, nurturing students as active contributors to their communities.
  2. Small Business & Entrepreneurship Degree Program at BMCC [link]:
    • Develop and refine curricula that remain responsive to the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship.
    • Create opportunities for students to transform theoretical knowledge into practical business solutions, further promoting local business growth.
  3. BMCC Blackstone LaunchPad [link]:
    • Instill a comprehensive entrepreneurial mindset across all BMCC students, irrespective of their primary field of study.
    • Build a robust support system, facilitating mentorship, networking, and resource-sharing among budding entrepreneurs.
  4. AI in Education [Amazon]:
    • Pioneering the integration of AI in teaching methodologies to enhance learning outcomes.
    • Drive informed discussions on the potential and ethics of AI in education, ensuring BMCC remains at the forefront of ed-tech innovation.
  5. Community-First Engagement in Education [ORCID]:
    • Champion a participatory approach in education, where the community actively influences and benefits from BMCC’s academic endeavors.
    • Strengthen ties with local businesses, stakeholders, and community leaders, ensuring education remains rooted in, and responsive to, community needs and aspirations.
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